When the rains start you may find yourself faced with a problem you were not previously aware of in the form of leaks. It is not until it rains that you learn you may have a problem that requires that you call for help. You must hire a professional for the job if you want the problem fixed correctly and avoid having a repeat of the same any time soon.

Causes of roof leaks

Shingles can easily become damaged during sunny weather as they dry out and become worn. By the time it rains, they can then fail, causing roof leaks. Homeowners can often replace missing or broken shingles, but if the damage is extensive, you should call in a professional.

Metal fasteners on the roof can also become corroded, creating enough space for water to penetrate. cracks and corrosion can also be salvaged with some silicone or mortar if not extensive. If the damage is much and threatens structural integrity, call a professional.

If you have a skylight, poor installation or damage can cause them to develop gaps in areas such as the frame, providing a passage for water from rain to penetrate. Poor insulation can also cause condensation to occur on the glass, causing water to drip. a roofing technician is the best option for fixing skylights given their more complex designs.

Rain gutters that have not been properly cleared can also be a problem. They can cause collected water to spill over where you do not expect it and pool, causing damage. It is important to clear gutters before the rains so water can be properly channeled away. This can be done by the homeowner or a gardener.

A faulty air conditioning unit or ventilation fan duct can also cause a leak to occur. Faulty plumbing or damage to pipes can also cause a problem. Water leaks from electrical works like air conditioning systems should be attended to by a technician.

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Why you need urgent repair

Roof leaks can cause damage to the roof, ceiling, and floors below. Water stains can develop and require more repairs to fix the damage.

Wet areas on the wall also require urgent attention. This could indicate a leak behind the wall which could, in turn, lead to mold or mildew problems. This can result in various health problems that are especially dangerous to babies, the elderly, and the sick. If it is wastewater that is leaking, it can also become a health hazard and cause your home to smell.