Chances are if you are looking to set up a shaded parking area, you will be advised to choose between vinyl or metal sheet roofing.  It is advisable to always park under shade to protect against the damage that the sun’s UV rays can cause to car paint to blister and peel. This exposure can also overheat the interior and make the steering wheel incredibly hot to the touch. Here are the benefits of choosing either roofing for your parking.

Thermal insulation

The uPVC material used to make vinyl roofing has high thermal insulation properties. This makes the area underneath them cooler. Metal sheets will conduct heat so the area underneath will still be hot. This quality can however be improved by insulating the metal sheeting with PU foam, though the material is liable to break down in a short amount of time.


When it rains, metal sheeting can be quite noisy due to the impact of the drops. The sound will often reverberate and become a nuisance to whoever is nearby. Hence the reason it is not recommended for areas where quiet is required like around schools and hospitals. Vinyl roofs are quieter and do not emit noise when there is rain.


Both metal and vinyl roofing are relatively lightweight, especially when compare to other roofing like clay tiles. Not only does this make installation easier to do, but it also means you do not have to invest as heavily in their support structures. Vinyl is light enough to be carried on wood beams while metal sheet roofs are often built on metal frames.


As said, both vinyl and metal sheet roofs can be easily installed because the materials are lightweight. Both can also be found in various dimensions and can be customized further. Vinyl may however have more of an edge as it is not as prone to scratches as metal sheeting, meaning you are more likely to get a better finish on installation.


While both are the most affordable roofing options, vinyl is slightly more expensive. Due to its better durability, it does however offer better value for money than metal sheet roofs.

Visual appeal

Vinyl and metal sheet roofs can look good when installed. However, with vinyl, there is less glare to worry about and a translucent appearance that many find appealing. Metal sheet roofs do start out shiny, but with repeated exposure to the elements, will often rust, disfiguring their appearance.